Atetekose (the beginning) is a new single from the dynamic artist. Yomi Olabisi. It’s a modern Apala rhythm which will surely get you on your feet, dancing and praising God. His command of Yoruba dialect and combination with this-day trend is really amazing. It was produced by Dan Ayanfe.
Yomi Olabisiis a young Nigeri
an born songwriter, performing artist, recording artist and aguitarist who hails from Ogbomoso, Oyo state. Born over two decades ago, Yomi Olabisi had his primary education in Ogbomoso before proceeding to secondary school. He graduated from the prestigious Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso in 2014 with a B.Tech in Civil Engineering.
He has discovered his musical talent since he was in senior secondary school 3 but he never take it serious. His interest in Yoruba language made his teachers to keep encouraging him by giving him various roles of Yoruba literature, Ewi and Esa specifically which he do perform at the school’s Christmas carol and end of session activities. After leaving secondary school, he relented because he only wants to focus on his studies. But his orientation changed few year later when he gained admission into the University.
His music pastor in church then, at Caretaker Baptist Church Ogbomoso introduced him fully into music and started training him in lead guitar. During this period, he was in 100level in the University. Yomi Olabisi also joined a cultural music ministry(ElewuEtu)- this is where he was motivated to be serious about his calling. He later started going out to perform at various occasions, chanting Ewi and Esa.